費損 Expenses |
性質別 |
中文科目別Chinese Account Names | 英文科目別English Account Names |
(銷貨成本) Operating costs |
銷貨成本 | Cost of goods sold |
分期付款銷貨成本 | Installment cost of goods sold | |
進貨(購貨) | Purchases | |
進貨費用 | Purchase expenses | |
進貨退出 | Purchase returns | |
進貨折讓 | Purchase discounts and allowances | |
進料 | Material purchased | |
進料費用 | Charges on purchased material | |
進料退出 | Material purchase returns | |
進料折讓 | Material purchase discounts and allowances | |
勞務成本 | Service costs | |
業務成本 | Agency costs | |
其他營業成本 | Other operating costs | |
Operating expenses |
薪資費用 | Salary and Wages |
推銷費用 | Selling expenses | |
訓練費 | Training expense | |
勞務費 | Professional service fees | |
職工福利 | Employee Benefits | |
燃料費 | Training expense | |
租金費用 | Rent expense | |
差旅費 | Traveling expense | |
運費 | Shipping expenses | |
文具用品 | Supplies expense | |
郵電費 | Postage and phone/Fax expense | |
水電瓦斯費 | Utilities | |
廣告費 | Advertisement | |
交際費 | Entertainment | |
保險費 | Insurance | |
稅捐 | Taxes | |
佣金費用 | Commission expense | |
呆帳 | Bad debt losses | |
折舊 | Depreciation | |
修繕費 | Repair and maintenance expense | |
捐贈 | Donations | |
伙食費 | Food stipend | |
攤銷費用(各項攤銷) | Amortizations | |
研究發展費用 | Research and development expenses | |
Non-operating expenses |
利息費用 | Interest expense |
負債性特別股股息 | Dividends on preferred stock liabilities | |
投資損失 | Investment loss | |
金融資產評價損失 | Loss on valuation of financial asset | |
金融負債評價損失 | Loss on valuation of financial liability | |
採權益法認列之投資損失 | Investment loss recognized under equity method | |
兌換損失 | Foreign exchange loss | |
處分資產損失 | Loss on disposal of investments | |
減損損失 | Impairment loss | |
停工損失 | Loss on work stoppages | |
災害損失 | Casualty loss | |
存貨盤損(商品盤損) | Loss on physical inventory | |
存貨跌價及呆滯損失 | Loss for market price decline and obsolete and slow-moving inventories | |
其他營業外費損 | Other non-operating expenses |